India executed the only surviving gunman from the 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai early Wednesday, the country’s Home Ministry said. The gunman, Muhammad Ajmal Kasab, a Pakistani citizen, was one of 10 attackers who rampaged through the streets of India’s financial capital for three days in November 2008 and killed 163 people. Mr. Kasab was hanged in secrecy at 7:30 a.m. at a jail in Pune, a city near Mumbai, after India’s president, Pranab Mukherjee, rejected his plea for mercy. Mr. Kasab and the other gunmen entered Mumbai by boat on Nov. 26, 2008. Armed with grenades and automatic weapons, the gunmen fanned out across Mumbai, targeting luxury hotels, a Jewish center and the city’s main train station. A photograph of Mr. Kasab striding through the station, an assault rifle in hand, quickly became an indelible image of the assault. India blames Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Pakistani organization, for orchestrating the attacks. (AP)
Gunman in Mumbai Attacks Is Hanged
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Gunman in Mumbai Attacks Is Hanged